miracle x 5 | singapore newborn portraits

q&a with this adorable little guys parents:

how did you feel when first ‚meeting‘ your baby?
imagine running a marathon without shoes, and really going way past the limits of your capacity, so that you don’t even feel like part of this world anymore… and that still doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling of bringing this little being into the world!
that – and the desire to sleep…

what is your favourite physical feature of your baby?
definitely the mouth!

5 words to describe your newborn…
a miracle,
a miracle,
a miracle,
a miracle,
a miracle.

what do you most love about seeing your partner as…
…a dad?
the sparkle and pride in his eyes when our son falls asleep in his arms.
…a mom?
that she is still the same breathtaking, proud and strong woman as before – only even more breathtaking, proud and strong!

newborn portraits by nina tantzen in singaporenewborn photographs by nina tantzen in singaporebaby portraits by nina tantzen in singaporebaby photography in singapore by nina tantzenfamily portraits by nina tantzen in singapore

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