wrapped around the finger | singapore newborn photographer

q&a with this gorgeous little girl’s parents:

how did you feel when first ‚meeting‘ your baby?
overwhelmed! i had experienced a very difficult pregnancy which included surgery at 15 weeks, so i had spent many sleepless nights wondering if i would ever get the chance to meet my baby. when she finally came into the world perfect in every way it was a huge relief and i was absolutely thrilled to hold my precious little miracle in my arms at last.

what is your favourite physical feature of your baby?
at the moment her hands are probably one of my favourite parts. i love it when she puts her hands on my chest or back when we’re having a cuddle or she is feeding. her touch really warms my heart and it helps to keep me to calm during stressful moments.

5 words to describe your newborn…:

what do you most love about seeing your partner as…
…a father:
our baby represents all his dreams come true and i love the fact that i was able to make him so happy. our little bub already has my husband wrapped around her little finger, so i dread to think what she will get away with by smiling sweetly at daddy when she is older.
…a mother:
the thing i love about my partner as a mother is her endless patience and instant ability to nurture, comfort and respond to the needs of our child. she also looks stunningly beautiful as a mother!

beautiful newborn images by nina tantzen photographyphotos of dad with newborn and cute dog in singaporenewborn photography with cute dog in singaporenewborn and family photographs in singapore by nina tantzen

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