mother’s day giveaway – nominate an extra-special mother!

‚when i stopped seeing my mother with the eyes of a child,
i saw the woman who helped me give birth to myself.‘ 
– nancy friday –

mother’s day is a day to celebrate and honour motherhood.
this year, i am celebrating with you by having a special mother’s day giveaway for one extra-special mother –
a mother that YOU can nominate!

mother's day giveaway singapore

the prize:
a free session for a mother and her child/children,
including a 1-2 hour photo session on a location of your choice
and the return of your 10 favourite images as digital files.

the nomination:
please nominate a mother that you feel would be deserving of this free session by sending me a photo of her, and also tell me what makes her an extra-special mother. nominate the mother you immediately thought of when reading this – your friend… your wife… yourself… your own mother?! no age restrictions apply!
you can enter your nomination via email to (don’t forget to attach the photo).
alternatively, you can enter your nomination via a form on my facebook page.

the nomination deadline is Saturday, May 11th (midnight SG time).

the winner:
… will be chosen based on which nomination is the most funny/inspiring/touching/deserving/original/heartwarming…,
and will be announced on this page and on my blog on Sunday, May 12th.

please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested.
i know there’s lots of extra-special mothers out there! ;)

i’m looking forward to receiving your nominations –
and to photographing one extra-special mother!


(the fine print: the free session is valid until october 2013, will take place in singapore, and only in connection with a signed session agreement and model release. no purchase necessary in connection with this free session.
no cash value, no substitutions. once the winner is announced, the decision will be final.)

Zurich, Switzerland, and worldwide