upon the realization that recently i got kind of sluggish at taking pictures of my own family, and capturing our family memories, i vowed to change that and to document more of our daily life again. so here i’m sharing a few (well, actually a few more than a few… ;)) images of my daughter with you.
at nele’s preschool, her class has ‚circle time‘ every day, where the kids sit in a (you guessed it…) circle and sing songs, read stories etc.
at home, nele likes to re-enact circle time with her stuffed animals – she used to do it every night in her bed before going to sleep, but recently she started also playing circle time during the day, in all rooms of the house… and here’s how that goes:
circle time starts off with everyone ‚finding their space‘, and then she… ehem, they… sing a welcome-song. ‚how’s everybody doing? any friends missing today?‘
this is followed by storytime. of course, the friends can no longer sit in a circle for story time, because everybody has to be able to see the book. ‚choose a spot, everyone… i’m gonna read a story…‘
after story time, something special is coming up – and you can tell by nele’s expression while announcing this next activity just how special it is to her: snack time! ;)
after snack time, everyone needs to burn some energy, so it’s the perfect time for a dance class – nele is showing her friends what to do:
after a good stretch, circle time is over and the friends get to enjoy some free play. how about a few rounds of hide and seek, some climbing and balancing, or play with a balloon?
‚goodbye friends, see you again next time!‘
which is what i say, too! :)